Transamerica Institute Announces Colorado's Above-Fifty Employment Strategies (CAFES) Employer Survey

August 2019 | Transamerica Institute
August 2019 Transamerica Institute

August 14, 2019 – Research teams at the University of Iowa College of Public Health and nonprofit Transamerica Institute®, with funding from Colorado-based NextFifty Initiative, are encouraging employers in Colorado to participate in a statewide survey. The survey focuses on ways businesses are recruiting and retaining experienced employees, as well as programs employers have in place to help these employees prepare for retirement. The results will be shared at a conference in 2020 and will inform a pilot program with approximately 30 businesses to help them implement best practices for an age-friendly workplace.

By 2030, more than one in five people working in Colorado will be at least 55 years old, according to the Colorado State Demography Office. This rapid shift in the workforce presents opportunities for companies to develop and implement policies to successfully address workers’ changing needs.

“We encourage Colorado-based employers to share their business practices, policies and attitudes by participating in this ground-breaking research,” says Brian Kaskie, associate professor of health management and policy at the University of Iowa College of Public Health. “Research findings will provide employers with actionable insights for a productive and satisfied multigenerational workforce.”

To participate in the survey, please click the following link. All survey answers will be kept strictly confidential and no identifying information will be collected. It will not be possible to connect anyone or their responses to specific research findings.

“Colorado is already taking great steps to address the needs of its age 50+ population. This research will complement the efforts of statewide initiatives underway,” says Catherine Collinson, CEO and president of nonprofit Transamerica Institute.

The University of Iowa College of Public Health works to promote health and prevent injury and illness through its commitment to education and training, excellence in research, innovation in policy development, and devotion to public health practice.

Transamerica Institute® is a nonprofit, private foundation dedicated to identifying, researching and educating the public about retirement, health coverage and better outcomes in personal health and wellness, and other relevant issues facing Americans today. It comprises two research centers: Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® and Transamerica Center for Health Studies®. Transamerica Institute is funded by contributions from Transamerica Life Insurance Company and its affiliates and may receive funds from unaffiliated third parties. The Institute is not affiliated with The University of Iowa or NextFifty Initiative. 

NextFifty Initiative is a Colorado-based private foundation dedicated to funding mission-driven initiatives that improve the lives of the older adult population and their caregivers. It seeks to fund game-changing efforts to improve and sustain quality of life for people in their second 50 years. NextFifty Initiative educates about proven initiatives and advocates for transformational change.

Contact:, (877) 254- 4547

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