Disrupt the current retirement system or be disrupted

June 2018 | Catherine Collinson
June 2018 Catherine Collinson

Mega-trends are transforming the global economy, national agendas and daily life. Some of these trends bring unprecedented opportunities for improving lives while others are disrupting long-standing societal constructs — including our now wobbly “three-legged stool” for retirement.

Individuals are now expected to take on increasing responsibility and risk in funding more of their retirement, despite the fact that many are inadequately equipped to be successful. A 2018 global retirement survey illustrates the imperative for change in the U.S. and abroad and sets forth nine essential features for a modernized retirement system.

In an article written by Catherine Collinson for The Hill, she explores research and suggests features of a retirement system necessary to forge a new social contract for retirement that is flexible and adaptable to the ever-changing times. 

Read here.